Monday, 31 December 2012

Day 19 : Big improvement

December 30th 2012
Well, today I got up and went training.  I took it relatively easy, I didn't tape my eye shut, but protected it much more than normal.  It seemed easy enough to stay conscious of the fact that my eye is totally vulnerable.  Although the eyelid 98% closes on my BP side, I am unable to tense all the muscles around the eye.  In reaction, if something is about to hit you in the eye, you sort of tense face muscles up and it strengthens the area in general.  This makes the eye quite resistant from being poked.  All I can do with my right eye, is close the lid ... which doesn't prevent it from being poked much, I can easily be poked through the eyelid.  I felt good when I got home, and felt more twitching throughout the day.  I noticed huge improvements today, and I can quite clearly see that my right eyebrow has gained about 20% of it's movement back, I am able to make my forehead wrinkle a little bit.


Day 18 : Small improvement

December 29th 2012
No twitching again, but lots of sharp pains.  I am pretty sure that by the end of the day I can move my mouth, nose, and eyebrow a little more.  The eye seems to have slowed down quite a bit.  With the improvements appearing to be daily now, I thought the eye might be the first thing to get better, seems as it was less paralyzed than most other areas of my face.  This isn't the case though, and if the eye is improving on a daily basis, the changes are so minor I can't detect them.  My mouth feels alright now, It's not how I'd like it to be for the rest of my life, but if it ended up staying as it is, it wouldn't be the end of the world.  It's been a while since I made a video, I'll make one tomorrow and hopefully the changes from the last video will be significant enough to notice.  I have become skilled at taping my eye shut to sleep now, only one piece of tape required.  Much comfier too.

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Day 17 : Who Knows?

28th December 2012
I was really busy all day today.  I haven't really had time to check on my condition.  I have decided I am going training on the 30th.   My eye isn't fully closing but it's not irritating me much anymore.  Sleeping seems to be back to normal.  Worryingly the pain and twitching has become less frequent.  At a guess I would say things have got slightly better today but no big improvements.  I'll have a proper look tomorrow.

Friday, 28 December 2012

Day 16 : More improvement

December 27th 2012
The video I'm about to post was filmed in the early morning.  I thought my top lip was moving a little better. I'm almost able to show a full tooth.  My eyebrow looks like it raises a little more.  I'm feeling good about it in general.  I'm pretty sure things are getting better.  By the end of the day things improved a bit more.  I can definitely show some teeth on the paralyzed side.  My eyebrow is definitely raising a little more and is even beginning to show some wrinkles on the forehead.  I never thought I would wish for a wrinkly forehead.  Also my right nostril can move.  It's obviously not as strong as the other one, but yesterday I couldn't decide whether it was moving on it's own or if it was being moved slightly by the other nostril.  By the end of today, it is clear to see it moves independently and in the opposite direction.  More power has returned to my lips, especially on inwards motion.

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Day 15 : Small improvements

December 26th 2012
Some people report changes in their condition coming on thick and fast.  I'm yet to have a day like that but I wake up every morning and check.  I think things are improving by very small increments each day.  It's very hard to tell if anything has changed from one day to the next, but looking back at old videos I can see they have.  Certain things have become less difficult, I do not seem to be slurring my F's and P's when speaking any more   I think this is because I have a little control over my bottom lip.  My eye rarely irratates me, especially when indoors.  Sometimes the vision goes a little cloudy and I have to remember to put the effort in to fully close my eye a few times, and then it is back to normal.  Quite a contrast to when I was in Edinburgh and at no point during one of those days did I manage to see clearly through my right eye.  The eyelid is more responsive than it was back then, I can just about close it, but it takes an immense amount of effort to do so.  I am able to move my top lip also, but only a fraction.  Enough to reveal the white of my teeth on that side.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Day 14 : Merry Christmas

December 25th 2012
Well Santa didn't bring me a fully working face today.  I can't see any noticeable improvement,  I was in front of the mirror four or five times, but no nothing has noticeably improved.  Slept awful again last-night for a change.  My eye does not seem to be moving any better but it is irritating me far less.  A few times today I actually forgot I had Bells Palsy.  I didn't use any eye drops ... I never felt the need.  Lots of action in the twitch and vibrate department, and a new type of pain.  It is infrequent but searing.  Feels like someone stabs my behind my ear with a fork.  The pain runs in a line right around my ear and the surrounding area.  Maybe it's a positive thing.  Hoping I wake up with more improvement tomorrow.  Happy Christmas everyone.  Smile!  Seems like such a trivial thing to do until you loose that ability.

Day 13 : Definite improvement!

Monday 24th December
Well it is only a slight improvement, but it is the first improvement that I am sure about.  I can move the corner of my mouth about 1/4 centimeter more than yesterday.  It's crazy how that change just happened in my sleep.  Put me in a very good mood for the day.  Previously I was able to very slightly twitch my cheek, and in doing so the corner of my mouth sometimes raised a little, maybe a couple of millimetres at best.  If I did this two or three times in a row, I would loose the ability for ten minutes.  The ability did seem to be leaving me and I was desperate to cling on to my last bit of facial movement on my paralysed side.  Today I can move the corner of my mouth outwards as and when I wish, as well as move my cheek in the way I could previously.  I questioned my own judgement a few times, am I imagining it?  My girlfriend seems to agree it is improved and she doesn't like to give me any false hope.  I went out for Christmas eve, and broke my alcohol free vow, but I only had one beer.  I doubt it will make or break me. My eye irritated the hell out of me today.  I was constantly rubbing it and using eyedrops.  It was red all day, it actually felt nice to tape it up at night and have a rest from it.  I have been struggling to sleep for the last few nights.  I wake so much it feels like I am laid awake the whole time.


Sunday, 23 December 2012

Day 12 : No improvement

Sunday 23rd December
I'm starting to doubt that my eye got quicker yesterday.  Today there is definitely no improvement to report.  I bought a new car today and it was super windy.  This really irritated my eye and it has been streaming all day.  I'm not going to write about the vitamins or lube and tape anymore.  If I don't mention it, assume I took 2 x B complex vitamins and a multi vitamin and used Lacri Lube and tape at night to sleep.  I had a feeling things would improve quite a bit today but no.  More pain around the ear, it just feels normal, I'm used to it.  I keep thinking about training.  I'm going to give it six weeks in total.  If nothing has changed I will re-visit the doctor and start training regardless.  I hope to God this will not be the case.  I know I'm going to go through phases of feeling like it will never heal.  Today is one of those days really.  I know I can be assured by the thousands of other accounts of people showing now improvement for weeks and weeks and then getting 100% better.  It feels a lot different when it is actually you though.  Come on face.

Day 11 : Small improvement

Saturday 22 December
I am not sure if I have just figured out how to make use of the muscles that do work, or if there has been some improvement.  But I seem able to close my eye a little better.  I still do not blink when not concentrating, but with thought and effort I can get the eyelid to close much faster.  It still does not fully close, only 95% closed, but it gets to that point a little quicker.  The mouth and eyebrows still remain paralysed.  I had a really good day today and was in a good mood throughout, and for the first time in a while I felt that my right eye could see things like normal, but only for brief periods.  I covered my right, and then swapped and covered my left, and it didn't seem more blurry in either eye.  I also had a good day in terms of eye irritation. It was less red and less runny than it has been.  I met some friends in the evening and went to see a film, no real problems.  I took 2 x B complex vitamins and 1 x multi vitamin.  I used Lacri Lube and taped my eye shut to sleep.  I keep considering doing exercise, maybe going for a run.   It does not feel nice to just sit around all day, but I usually come to the conclusion that rest is best.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Day 10 : Some pain for good measure

Friday 21st December
No improvements to report today.  But lots of twitching and trembling.  At least something is happening, I would feel worse if I felt nothing.  Watched some TV in the day, my eye has been a little more cloudy than normal.  In the evening it stings and waters most of the time, I keep closing the lid with my fingers.  Towards the end of the day I can feel pain under my right ear and throughout the ear itself.  It's a lot sharper than any pain I have felt so far.  I had a quick look in the mirror and I don't think anything has really changed.  I took 2 x B12 complex vitamins and 1x multivitamin tablet.  I used Lacri Lube and tape to sleep and went to bed in good spirit.  I started thinking about how I can get back to jiujitsu if my eye does not improve, maybe I can get protective goggles or something.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Day 9 : Not much to report

Thursday 20th December
I took two B12 complex vitamins and a multi vitamin and nothing else today.  The pain is always present but it's manageable.  It's not a sharp pain like when you stub your toe on a door, it's a dull throbbing, but not as bas as a headache.  I can get on with everyday life without thinking about it too much.  It can't be a coincidence that the pain only started after I stopped taking steroids.  I've had a few twitches and a trembling lower eyelid, but not as much as the past few days.  My face is still normal at rest, and I am still able to very slightly move the paralysed corner of my mouth.  So I don't think things are getting any worse.  I'm pretty desperate to see some sign of improvement now.  It's only 9 days in and I know most people don't see improvement by now.  Maybe I'll get something by Christmas.  That would be nice.  I used Lacri Lube and tape to sleep.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Day 8 : Last Day of Medication

Wednesday 19th December
I woke up this morning and looked around for my steroids, only to remember I took the last of them yesterday.  It was only a 5 day course.  I also realise that today is the last day of my anti-virals, and then I guess I am on my own after that.  I don't have much planned today so just lounge about the house.  I don't really feel like seeing anybody.  Talking has become quite tricky.  The longer I talk for the more mistakes I make and I just don't fancy it.  I have bouts of pain around the hinge on my jaw all day, I took some ibuprofen but it doesn't seem to help much.  My lower eyelid twitches every so often and so do both my lips, but only on the right hand side.  I took my 5 x 800mg Acyclovir for the last time.  At least the paralysis has got no worse for a few days now.  No point making another video yet, maybe tomorrow.

Day 7 : Definite stabilisation

Tuesday 18th December
I woke up and tore off my eye tape and applied eye drops straight away as my eye felt quite sore.  My vision is noticeably worse today.  I go for breakfast and apply more eyedrops, I keep covering my left eye with my hand and trying to read distant signs with just my right eye.  It is pointless I can hardly see anything through it, everything looks so cloudy.  Even close up.  I get quite frustrated with it.  Today I looked around Edinburgh Castle and then drove 4 1/2 hours home.  My facial paralysis is again no worse.  I can still twitch the right corner of my mouth in the same way.  I am very thankful I am able to do this, I think I would feel a lot worse if I was completely paralysed.

Today I took the last of my steroids 8 x 5mg Prednisolone, so long guys, I hope you worked for me.
I also took 5 x 800mg Acyclovir throughout the day, used eyedrops regularly. I took 2 x B vitamin complex tables and 1 x multi vitamin tablet.

Day 6 : Stabilisation? (and Pandas)

Monday 17th December 2012
I got up this morning and went straight to a Holland and Barret and bought some B vitamin complex tablets.  They are one a day tablets and contain vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12.  I take 2.
I went to Edinburgh Zoo and saw the pandas, it was amazing.  I wore some safety glasses that I normally use when cycling in overcast conditions, just to keep the wind out of my watery eye.  My vision is worse today.  If I cover my left eye the right eye just looks cloudy.  I try manually blinking quite a bit, I use eye drops and it is still cloudy.  No point dwelling on it.  Had a good day in general and I do not think the paralysis has got any worse today.  I can still very slightly move the right corner of my mouth, my eyebrow appears to be completely stationary, and I cannot wrinkle my forehead at all.  At least I am no worse.  From reading other peoples diaries, it would appear common to have a period of 3 or 4 days of no change before things start getting better.  I hope I am in that period.

Today I took 8 x 5mg Prednisolone and 5 x 800mg Acyclovir.  I also took 2 x B complex vitamins and 1 x multi vitamins.  I used eye drops throughout the day and Lacri Lube and taped my eye closed to sleep.


Day 5 : Condition Degrades

Sunday 16th December
I wake up today and peel the tape off my eye, along with an eyelash.  I am taking my girlfriend to Edinburgh to see the Pandas.  It's a 4 1/2 hour drive.  I want to drive, otherwise I will be sat thinking about my face.  After 2 hours or so, I notice lots of twitching in my face, the eyelid and the lip keep vibrating involuntarily.  I do not know if this is a positive thing, but I have noticed one thing I am not too happy about.  I can no longer show any teeth on the paralysed side of my face.  I could only show a little before, so if things have got worse it is only slightly, but it is noticeably worse.  I remember two things the Doctor in A and E said to me.  she said the condition will not get worse, once it has happened it has happened.  She also said that there is no correlation between how bad the condition is and the likelihood of recovery.  I try to put it to the back of my mind but the vibrations keep occurring   I quite like it though, at least something is happening, maybe the nerve is repairing.

We stop for lunch at a pub just before Scotland, my ulcers no longer hurt and I enjoy a meal for the first time in days.  I have started manually blinking by pulling my right eyelid shut every so often.  The vision in my right eye is a little cloudy, but I think that is to be expected considering I am not really blinking.  When eating, any food that falls into the right side of my mouth gets stuck, I cannot use my right cheek to move the food back to the middle.  I figure out I can apply pressure to the outside if my cheek with my hand and it does the job.  I got to the bathroom in the pub and look at my face for a while.  Things are definitely worse.  I am not going to let it ruin this weekend.  I'll see how I am when we return.

I go to the cinema in Edinburgh and watch a 3D film without any trouble.  When we go back to the hotel I do some more Googling on my phone.  I find out the two things the Doctor told me in A and E may not be true.  There is a correlation between how severe the problem is and the likelihood of recovery.  I find a very in depth research paper with a scale of severity from 1 to 6, 6 being the worst.  I think I may be a 4, to be a level 5 the my face should not look normal when stationary at rest, and it looks very normal.  I check in the bathroom again, I have the ability to twitch the right side of my face ever so slightly, it is most noticeable on the upper cheek.  The right corner of my mouth can turn upwards a tiny amount if I seriously concentrate, but it hurts to do so.  Level 5 would involve no voluntary movement.  More Googling suggests it is very common for the condition to deteriorate before getting better.  I find about 6 or 7 different diaries written by people with Bell's Palsy.  Almost all of them experienced a deterioration in movement after a few days.  This does make me feel better and I feel confident about recovery once again.  I stopped at a shop on the way back to the hotel and bought some multi vitamins that contain some B vitamins.  I take one before going to sleep, and decide to find a Holland and Barret in the norming to get a proper B vitamin complex.

Today i took 8 x 5mg Prednisolone and 5 x 800mg Avyclovir throughout the day.  I used eyedrops every so often, and used Lacri Lube and taped my eye closed to sleep.

Day 4 : The Wedding

Saturday 15th December 2012
My girlfriend wakes me up first thing this morning.  Her glands under her jaw are swollen and she has an ulcer on her tongue in exactly the same place I had them.  We get up and go straight to the walk-in center.  I am so worried she may get Bell's Palsy too.  We bypass the Nurse practitioner and get to see the Doctor straight away, after about a 40 minute wait.  He prescribes her Acyclovir too, but only 400mg as he thinks it is unlikely she well develop Bell's Palsy.

We have to rush to the Wedding as the unscheduled Doctors visit has pushed the plans out a little.  Still, I feel a lot better with her on the anti-virals already.  I am at the Wedding from mid day until 9pm.  The photography goes really well.  So long as I make sure my eye is well lubricated I can get on with everyday life.  The Vicar notices the problem with my face and asks about it.  He says a prayer for me.  I try to smile at him but then remember he is on the bad side.

I drink one glass of champagne to celebrate the Wedding.  I have decided this will be my last drink until I am better.  I take 8 x 5mg Prednisolone about lunchtime, and 5 x 800mg Acyclovir throughout the day.  I do some more research when I get home and there are a lot of people talking about the benefits of B vitamins for conditions effecting nerves.  It can't hurt, maybe I will get some tomorrow.  I use eye drops more than normal today, but I have spent most of the day staring through a lens.  I use Lacri Lube and tape my eye shut to sleep.  I still feel fairly confident about recovery, especially as I do not have complete paralysis like most people seem to get.  I can just about show some teeth on the paralysed side, and my eyebrow still raises very slightly.


Day 3 : Off to the GP

Friday 14th December 2012
I call my local GP and make an appointment for 10am.  When I arrive the Doctor's surgery is very busy, but  I guess it is the time of year.  I am called in to see the Doctor.  She points out that it has been over 18 months since I was last in with the flu.  I started running, cycling and swimming a lot more this year, so chances are my active lifestyle has kept me away.  We talk about Bell's Palsy and do more tests.  She is concerned that an underlying virus may be present, so we do a blood test.  I am told not to expect to hear anything back.  Sometimes people get Bells Palsy because of an association with Lyme disease.  I hope this is not the case.  It also seems to be common that people have cold sores or ulcers right before developing Bells Palsy, I feel like this is probably what happened to me.  I ask about the steroids and she consults her computer.  She agrees with me, she says I should take steroids for 5 days aswell as the Acyclovir anti-virals, as they will help eliminate the virus that caused it.  It seems to make sense and she writes me another prescription.

I take it to the pharmacy next door, but they do not have any in stock.  I am told to come back at 4.30pm and some will be delivered.  I go home but I do not feel too happy about it, I saw on the doctors screen that the sooner the steroid course is started the better.  At 4.30 I go back and they don't have any.  She tells me to try elsewhere, I am super angry at this point.  I call around about 7 different pharmacies any nobody has the one I need.  I start to doubt I will get the course started within the recommended 72 hours after onset.

As a last ditch attempt I go to an Asda supermarket and ask at the pharmacy.  The lady is super nice, and suggests my prescription is an error.  She says she has never heard of the prescribed drug, but it's name is similar to one that they do stock.  She suggests the Doctor may have made a mistake and calls the surgery for me.  She is correct and I finally get my steroids.  5mg Prednisolone tablets, 40 tablets I need to take 8 at a time first thing in the morning.  I want to get going with them straight away so consume 8 immediately.  The erroneous prescription read ... "Prednisone modified release" note the spelling difference.

I take 5 x 800mg Acyclovir tablets spread out 3 hours apart throughout the day, as well as the 8 x 5mg Prednisolone.  I use the eye drops every few hours throughout the day also.  I use Lacri Lube at night and tape my eye shut to sleep.  I have been booked to do a wedding photograph gig tomorrow.  I hope it goes well.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Day 2 : Do I need steroids?

Thursday 13th December
I call in sick at work.  I was told to go to the eye casualty first thing in the morning, so I follow the advice.  My girlfriend drives me there because one of my eyes is still taped closed.  I slept like this lastnight.  I see an eye doctor and we do a series of tests, and strange tools are used on my eye.  She had absolutely no concern that there was anything wrong with the eye.  She gives me a prescription for some regular eye drops, some Lacri Lube and gives me a roll of medical tape.  I am told I only need to tape my eye closed at night, as I can force my eyes closed during the day if I really try.  The concern is that my eye can dry out and lead to corneal ulceration, which sounds horrendous.  When I return home I make a video and upload it to show people what has happened. I pick up all my medication and take an Aciclovir 800mg tablet for the second time.  I take 4 in total on this day, 3 hours apart.

I start Googling some more.  I find lots of videos of other people with the same condition.  I am also surprised that most people I tell about it, know somebody that had it too.  I have never heard of Bells Palsy. From my preliminary expert research.  It would seem that it is rare that people don't recover at all.  Most people recover within 2 months and even the ones that take longer, recover 90% of their facial movement eventually.  It's encouraging reading.  I also find lots of research suggesting Aciclovir is an anti-viral drug that will cure my mouth ulcers but may have little or no effect on the Bells Palsy, which is obviously my primary concern.  There are multiple research papers online showing an improvement in recovery from people who take a steroid called Prednisolone within 72 hours of onset of symptoms.  I decide to my GP first thing in the morning and ask about this.  I use the Lacri Lube at night, it's super thick and as soon as it goes in, it renders the eye useless.  Not that it matters because I then tape down my eyelid and get some sleep.  I sleep surprisingly well.

Day 1 : A mad panic

Wednesday 12th December
I didn't sleep well lastnight.  The pain from my ulcers / canker sore / un-diagnosed mouth condition woke me up more than once.  I am so sick of it already.  I go to work like any other day and I mention it to a few people, mainly because the pain keeps it at the front of my mind.  I'm not sure I have ever had an ulcer before.  I eat some tomato soup and bread for lunch and the pain is manageable.  My vision is a little off today, and my eyes are stinging by the end of the afternoon, like someone has been chopping onions.  I ignore it.  I do Brazilian jiu jitsu on Wednesdays.  Earlier in the day I wasn't sure about going, but now I have eaten something accompanied by a bit less pain, I want to get on with normal life.  I ride my motorcycle from work on the short trip over to the gym.  On the bike, I get wind in my eye as my visor is not fully closed.  When I squint, I notice my right eye didn't fully shut.  I try blinking with the left and then the right and also with both eyes.  Left is good, both is good, right alone isn't fully closing.  I remember thinking that was odd, but couldn't remember if I can blink with my right eye or not anyway so forget about it.

A few comments are made to me by my training partners at the class.  "What is wrong with your face" and "your mouth looks a little funny, dude".  I just explain to people that I have a bad ulcer and the pain has been effecting me quite a lot.  I am getting changed to leave at the end of the class (i did the whole class like any other day, without noticing any problems), my friend Adam who knows me better than anybody else at the club shows some concern as he doesn't think my face looks normal.  I tell him to stop worrying, it's just the ulcer.  He asked me to do him a big smile so he could take a photo of me.  He showed me the photo and I got a real feeling of fear rush over me.  One side of my mouth was wide open and the other was shut tight.  I tell him about my eye being funny too and that I cannot close it.  We both worry I may be having a stroke so rush down to his car and he drives me (very quickly) to A and E.

I speak to the woman on reception and explain that half my face is not working.  She asked about my address, next of kin etc, and I wait to see the assessing nurse.  It's not a long wait.  The Male nurse on duty calls me into a room.  I tell him about my facial problems and he immediately thinks I have Bell's Palsy.  He says I am not having a stroke because my cognitive responses are too accurate.  He says Bell's Palsy is a problem with a nerve in my face and that I will need steroids and the problem will go away.  I feel overwhelmingly relieved.  I go back out to the waiting room and my friend Adam waits with me.  This time we wait hours, I do some heavy Googling on my phone and find out the condition is sometimes permanent.  I decide to stop Googling and wait to see the Doctor.

The Doctor calls me in.  I remember her having an amazing bedside manner (it's weird what you remember in strange situations).  She makes me try to whistle, fill my cheeks with air, raise my eyebrows.  She confirms I have Bells Palsy and the diagnosis is done.  I am told it is very rare that people do not recover, but she also tells me there is a Doctor working at this hospital that had it and never recovered.  I tell her about my frantic Googling session and we talk about how most people have a completely paralysed face.  Most of my face still moves, just not full movement, and all the movements are exaggeration and slow.  She tells me the condition does not get worse, and once it has happened it has happened.  She asked if I had any ulcers or colds.  I tell her about the ulcer and she says this is the probable cause, she also asked about ear pain.  I remember I had pain in the right ear whilst listening to music earlier that day.  I am given 1 800mg Aciclovir tablet.  My eye is taped shut by the Doctor to prevent it from drying out.  I am told to go to eye casualty first thing in the morning and get sent home, she also gives me a prescription for more Aciclovir.

Day -1 : Canker sore?

Tuesday 11th December
I'm a sucker for self diagnosis.  I shouldn't do it.  I use the internet every day, so I am all too familiar with how much junk information and idiots that it is riddled with.  I find pictures of other peoples rancid ulcer infested tongues.  It makes me feel a bit better about my situation.  At least I don't look like I have taken gunfire to the mouth.  The appearance of my ulcers have changed, there are no longer six individual nodes but one big flat one.  I find out about something called a Canker sore.  I am convinced that this is what I have.  I start reading about different cures, including one called oralmedic, which by the looks of it ... burns the wound with acid - agonising pain for immediate relief.  To be honest at this stage I am willing to take the gamble, I have started fearing mealtimes.  I start telling people I have a Canker sore.  I am convinced it will heal on it's own so decide to take no further action.  Eating is equally as difficult as yesterday.  I go to bed feeling a bit frustrated.

Day -2 : The pain sets in

Monday 10th December 2012
Oh My God!!  I know people say ulcers are painful but this is intense.  It is badly effecting my eating now, I had pasta for tea and it was a very unpleasant experience.  It took me about an hour to eat what would normally take me 10 minutes and I had to leave some of it. I had just had enough of the sharp pains.  As food moved over from the left side of my mouth to the right, I got pain like pouring salt and vinegar into an open wound.  The ulcers keep changing colour every few hours, red, yellow and then one of them turns jet black.  It looks like I have something stuck in my tongue.  I convinced myself that this was the case, so did a minor self operation in the bathroom mirror with a pair of tweezers.  I got rid of the black thing, it made me feel better.  The ulcers look sore.

Day -3 : Feeling better

Sunday 9th December 2012
Well despite feeling rough all day yesterday.  Today I feel fine.  The ulcers are starting to become painful, and are slightly effecting my eating, but nothing major.  I have a pretty normal day.  I don't have any headaches or further troubles.  I notice when I am eating my tea this evening, it doesn't taste the same on the right side of my mouth when compared to the left.  Everything tastes a little bit metallic.  I just assume it's the ulcers.  I have bought some bonjella and keep applying a bit to them every so often.  It hurts to do so, but maybe the pain is the active ingredients going to work.  I notice the glands under the right side of my jaw are a little swollen.  I watch some TV and go to bed as normal.

Day -4 : Mouth Ulcers

Saturday 8th December 2012
I woke up feeling really ill.  I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed until 2pm, if it was a work day I would have definitely called in sick, I rarely ever do this, I have to be really ill.  I had a fever all morning and my bones ached.  Lastnight I noticed a few painful tingles down the center of my tongue which I mainly ignored.  I tried to take a picture of my own tongue with a cameraphone, but I didn't notice anything abnormal about it.  This morning/afternoon, I have 6 ulcers right next to each other on the front right part of my tongue.  They hurt a little but nothing too bad. When I finally get up I have headache.  I make a cup of tea and the walk to the kitchen seems to take forever.  As the day goes on my fever subsides and my headache improves.  I feel ok-ish and retire for a reasonably early night (for me).  Click here to see a bigger version of this picture.  But be warned ... it's grim.