Sunday, 23 December 2012

Day 12 : No improvement

Sunday 23rd December
I'm starting to doubt that my eye got quicker yesterday.  Today there is definitely no improvement to report.  I bought a new car today and it was super windy.  This really irritated my eye and it has been streaming all day.  I'm not going to write about the vitamins or lube and tape anymore.  If I don't mention it, assume I took 2 x B complex vitamins and a multi vitamin and used Lacri Lube and tape at night to sleep.  I had a feeling things would improve quite a bit today but no.  More pain around the ear, it just feels normal, I'm used to it.  I keep thinking about training.  I'm going to give it six weeks in total.  If nothing has changed I will re-visit the doctor and start training regardless.  I hope to God this will not be the case.  I know I'm going to go through phases of feeling like it will never heal.  Today is one of those days really.  I know I can be assured by the thousands of other accounts of people showing now improvement for weeks and weeks and then getting 100% better.  It feels a lot different when it is actually you though.  Come on face.

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