Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Day 3 : Off to the GP

Friday 14th December 2012
I call my local GP and make an appointment for 10am.  When I arrive the Doctor's surgery is very busy, but  I guess it is the time of year.  I am called in to see the Doctor.  She points out that it has been over 18 months since I was last in with the flu.  I started running, cycling and swimming a lot more this year, so chances are my active lifestyle has kept me away.  We talk about Bell's Palsy and do more tests.  She is concerned that an underlying virus may be present, so we do a blood test.  I am told not to expect to hear anything back.  Sometimes people get Bells Palsy because of an association with Lyme disease.  I hope this is not the case.  It also seems to be common that people have cold sores or ulcers right before developing Bells Palsy, I feel like this is probably what happened to me.  I ask about the steroids and she consults her computer.  She agrees with me, she says I should take steroids for 5 days aswell as the Acyclovir anti-virals, as they will help eliminate the virus that caused it.  It seems to make sense and she writes me another prescription.

I take it to the pharmacy next door, but they do not have any in stock.  I am told to come back at 4.30pm and some will be delivered.  I go home but I do not feel too happy about it, I saw on the doctors screen that the sooner the steroid course is started the better.  At 4.30 I go back and they don't have any.  She tells me to try elsewhere, I am super angry at this point.  I call around about 7 different pharmacies any nobody has the one I need.  I start to doubt I will get the course started within the recommended 72 hours after onset.

As a last ditch attempt I go to an Asda supermarket and ask at the pharmacy.  The lady is super nice, and suggests my prescription is an error.  She says she has never heard of the prescribed drug, but it's name is similar to one that they do stock.  She suggests the Doctor may have made a mistake and calls the surgery for me.  She is correct and I finally get my steroids.  5mg Prednisolone tablets, 40 tablets I need to take 8 at a time first thing in the morning.  I want to get going with them straight away so consume 8 immediately.  The erroneous prescription read ... "Prednisone modified release" note the spelling difference.

I take 5 x 800mg Acyclovir tablets spread out 3 hours apart throughout the day, as well as the 8 x 5mg Prednisolone.  I use the eye drops every few hours throughout the day also.  I use Lacri Lube at night and tape my eye shut to sleep.  I have been booked to do a wedding photograph gig tomorrow.  I hope it goes well.

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